Avery Volz

received her first journal when she was eight-years-old. What started out as a deeply descriptive diary transformed into blurbs of story ideas, poetry, and character arcs. Avery's dream of writing a book developed as naturally as the sun rising in the morning. She dabbled in different genres for a few years before entering high school and gaining a whole new passion.

High school presented many challenges for Avery--namely, anxiety and depression. She decided to lean inward and research these mental health problems in hopes of gaining more self-awareness and compassion. The real reward of her battle was a strong appreciation for the mental health field and study of psychology. In fact, it became her major going into college. Today she studies psychology with a minor in English creative writing, combining her love for the brain and storytelling. She has also led student mental health clubs and advocacy groups in addition to working in the field. Her goal? Eradicate the stigma surrounding mental illness. She uses writing as an alleyway for this dedication, including characters who struggle with very real mental health problems. Avery's ultimate goal is to one day be a clinical psychologist (and continue writing novels on the side).

Avery also enjoys spending quality time with her friends and family, exercising, reading, and going to Starbucks to work on her next big project.